Monday, December 19, 2011

Tater Tornado

Boardwallk Tater Toranado Ever wish you could make your own spiral potato snacks, like the ones you can only find at the boardwalk? Well, now you can, thanks to the Boardwalk Tater Tornado!

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Aroma AMN-100 Electric Mandolin Slicer

!±8±Aroma AMN-100 Electric Mandolin Slicer

Brand : Aroma
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Post Date : Dec 10, 2011 22:06:13

Fresh, healthy garden salads. Sizzling stir fries. Melty game day nachos. Savory sweet potato chips. All of these and more can be prepared in a hassle-free instant with the Aroma Electric Mandolin Slicer. Slice, Julienne and Grate to uniform precision with just the press of a button. As food is sliced, it falls into the convenient catch tray to eliminate mess and keep small pieces in one place. Three food chute sizes accommodate a wide range of foods, so you can slice cucumbers, grate Parmesan, and julienne carrots all in one time-saving device. And after the prep work is done, just throw the catch tray and blades into the dishwasher- no scrubbing necessary.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tips For Increasing Golf Driving Distance

!±8± Tips For Increasing Golf Driving Distance

For many amateurs golf can be a very frustrating sport. They step up on the tee and are never quite sure which direction the ball is going to travel off of their club face. However the one thing that keeps bringing people back for more and more is the wonderful feeling of striking a ball flush from the middle of their driver. As an old Taylor Made ad stated "distance makes the heart grow fonder."

The mechanics of a golf swing are more complex than perhaps that of any other sport on the planet. A good golf swing must be underpinned with sold fundamentals including solid grip, square alignment to the target, a solid base / stance, and a dynamic upright posture. For the purpose of this article I am going to assume that you have solid basic fundamentals. If you are a chronic slicer of the ball, hook the ball regularly or even top or slice the ball these tips will serve only to add length to your shot shape. Thus if your natural shot is a "hook" for example, the ball will travel further but in the direction of your natural shot.

Please try a selection of the following tips and see which ones have a positive impact on your game. I can guarantee that you will begin to hit the ball further than you have ever done before.

Tip # 1 - Change Your Equipment

Perhaps the easiest way to add distance to your drives without changing any of the mechanics of your swing, is to change your equipment. Simply changing to a harder two piece ball with a hard outer layer will add approximately 10 yards to a well struck drive. You will lose an element of control around the greens, but for winter golf or even a higher handicap golfer the change will be worthwhile.

Modern drivers have changed the way the game is played. Large oversized titanium heads have provided golfers with an unmatched level of performance and forgiveness. These drivers will add distance to your drive by virtue of the fact titanium is lighter than steel. Thus even though the head size has increased the overall swing weight has been reduced. This enables drivers to generate more club head speed thus increasing the distance the ball travels. The very fact the head size has been increased, means that off center hits will also travel much further because the size of the sweet spot has increased accordingly.

The most important element in the distance and accuracy of your drives is the often overlooked type of shaft you are using. If you are using a steel shaft, you are sacrificing club head speed due to the additional weight. You really should get a custom fit graphite shaft suited to your swing. If you are a beginner or a golfer with a relatively slow swing speed then you will gain additional distance by playing with a whippy flexible shaft. These shafts have a higher kick point so that at impact they spring at the ball and unleash an additional burst of speed through impact. However beware if you have a higher swing speed a stiffer shaft will produce longer straighter results. This is one element of your game that you need custom fit equipment. Run a search on Google to find a custom fit center near you.

Tip # 2 - Adopt a Stronger Grip

A neutral golf grip is when you can see 2 knuckles of your left hand / the hand at the top of the shaft. A weak grip is when you see less than 2 knuckles on the upper hand. This action tends to promote a fade or slice as the grip returns to neutral at impact thus ensuring the face is opened if the grip is weak. A strong grip is one in which you can see 3 or 4 knuckles on your left hand (for right handed golfers).

A good way to measure a strong grip is to make the "V's" formed by the thumb and index finger point towards your right shoulder. A strong grip will tend to promote a draw which every golfer knows is a top spin shot that travels much further.

This is especially true with their left hand. To achieve this you should see about three to four knuckles on your left hand. This gives you so much more leverage in terms of your wrist movement. You are able to wait to the last moment to release the club, which results in a surge of club head speed through impact.

Tip # 3 - Release Tensions in Your Hands and Arms

If you were to really tense up your leg muscles and attempt to run a race, you would not be able to walk very fast let alone say run. The muscles in your hands and arms are no different. The grip pressure is perhaps the most important element to eliminating a tense rigid swing. Grip pressure should be light but firm. Professional golfers have stated that you should grip the golf club with the same pressure as if you were:

Lightly squeezing a tube of tooth paste Holding a child's hand Holding a small bird in your hand

Use which ever analogy is best for you but remember always be conscious of your grip pressure especially just before you commence your take away. It is impossible to hold the club too lightly. Your muscles will instinctively increase grip pressure throughout your swing to ensure the club does not fly out of your hands.

A light grip pressure will also have the positive effect of releasing tension in your arms. Build a few waggles into your pre-shot routine to further ensure there is no build up of tension.

You will be shocked an amazed how much further your ball will fly as a result of relaxed hand and arm muscles.

Tip # 4 - Increase the Width of Your Arc

Try this simple drill to realize the importance of the swing arc. Hold a golf ball in your hand 10 or so inches directly over your right shoulder. Now throw the ball as far as you can. You will notice the ball didn't travel very far. Now extend you right hand back as far as is comfortably possible and throw the ball as far as you can. You will notice that the ball traveled significantly further. Many amateur golfers fail to realize the importance of the width of the swing arc in determining the distance the ball flies.

Perhaps the best tip that I have come across for creating a wide powerful swing arc is that of Greg Normans. Greg Norman has long been one of the longest straightest drivers of the golf ball. His tip is simple and powerful. At your address position ensure your left arm and club shaft form a straight line down to the ball. Make sure there is no tension whatsoever in the hand or arm.

Now simply push your left elbow back away from the target. Keep pushing it back, back, back all the way. Sooner or later as your swing reaches the three quarter way position, somethings going to give and your wrist will automatically cock at the top. This business of an early wrist cock advocated by some of the games teachers doesn't work very well because it eliminates the extension of your arc which is a key source of power in the swing. This is a powerful technique easy to reproduce that will add yards to your drives with practice.

Tip # 5 - Delay the Club Head Release Through Impact

Many of the games greats will differ in their back swing but generate a very similar down swing sequence. Contrast "Jim Furyk" with "Tiger Woods". One swing attribute that they all have in common is a powerful late release of the club head (also known as club head lag). In my opinion the golfer with one of the most powerful late releases is "Sergio Garcia". He has a rather unorthodox back swing but a powerful late release ensures he hits the golf ball a long, long way. What I mean by late release of the golf club is a delayed uncocking/release of the wrists just before impact.

Many amateurs suffer from the dreaded 'casting' motion whereby they throw the club at the ball from the top of the swing. Thus they are releasing all their power long before the club ever nears the ball. In order to create a late release you should consciously focus on retaining your fully cocked wrists for as long as possible prior to impact. I have come across two excellent tips to achieve this goal. Please only use one or the other as you should never have two simultaneous swing thoughts prior to impact. The club head is moving too fast to execute more than one.

Insert a tee peg at the butt end of your shaft and focus on the mental image of trying to drive that tee peg into the back of the ball. To condense this into one neat phrase think "pull butt of shaft down to back of ball". This will cause a very late release of your club and store up considerable power during the downswing which can be effectively delivered to the back of the ball.

Ernie Els advocates a late release maneuver created by Harvey Pennick called 'Golf's Magic Move'. To execute this technique, one you arrived at the top of your back swing think "right elbow down to right side". This effectively retains the wrist angle and ensures a late release into the back of the ball.

Tip # 6 - Increase Your Coil

This move is not for those who have a stiff, unsupple back or back problems in any sense of the word. Effectively one of the greatest sources of power in a golf swing is the coiling of your shoulder turn against your hip turn. The further you can turn your shoulder and limit your hip turn the more wind up you generate in the backswing. This results in a powerful uncoiling in the downswing generating substantial power into the back of the ball. The effect is similar to wrapping an elastic band around your finger. The more tightly you wind it the faster it unwinds. A good mental image to achieve this goal is to imagine you are standing in a barrel of cement. Your legs and hips are thus restricted in their movement. Now focus on turning your back fully to the target. This will create a powerful shoulder turn on top of a limited hip turn. You will generate substantial increases in the distance your ball flies with this one tips alone.

Tip # 7 - Widen Your Stance, Retain Flex in Right Knee

In order to generate strong club head speed, you need a stable base to ensure it is correctly delivered to the back of the ball. Ensure the inside of your insteps are outside the width of your shoulders. To ensure the correct distance apart simply hang two clubs vertically from the outside of both shoulders. The club heads should be directly over the insteps in both feet.

Tip # 8 - Retain Flex in Right Knee

A critical element in the creation of a powerful golf swing is the retention of flex in the right knee in the back swing. If your right knee straightens it's like snapping the tension in the swing and all your power is immediately destroyed. A good tip is to bend the right knee and tilt it slightly in towards the ball. Focus on retaining this inward tilt throughout the back swing. Then in the downswing start with leading your front left leg slightly toward the target. This ensures dynamic impact position and helps retain the angle in your wrist thus delivering a late release.


I hope you found these tips useful and enlightening. Golf can be made out to be a very complex sport so I hope this demystified some of the technique required for generating more distance for your drives. Do not attempt to use more than one of these techniques all in one go. And most certainly do not take all these swing thoughts to the golf course. Your job now is to go to your local golf range with a bucket of balls. Print of this sheet of paper and try to reproduce these tips on the golf range. With practice you will build muscle memory and the swing changes will become a habit that will not require any conscious effort to execute. In the immortal words of John Daly "Grip it and Rip it."

Tips For Increasing Golf Driving Distance

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Make Homemade Dried Banana Slices

!±8± How to Make Homemade Dried Banana Slices

Making dried banana pieces can be a bit tricky as bananas tend to turn brown when they come in contact with air. There is a way to counteract this extreme browning when drying your banana slices by dipping the banana slices in lemon juice prior to drying.

Dried banana pieces come in chunks, round slices or long slices. To get crunchy banana chips you will have to fry them in coconut oil. Banana powder is made from whole, peeled dried bananas which have been ground to a powder. Banana powder is used for banana bread mixes and banana flavored deserts.

Making Dried Banana Slices at Home

A dehydrator is probably the best way to dry banana slices as the dehydrator allows more of the natural flavor of the banana to come through. Apart from lemon juice you can also use other citrus fruit juices or a honey wash to keep your bananas from becoming too dark when drying.

You Will Need:

* 4 to 6 Ripe bananas (ensure that your bananas are not overripe)
* Baking or cookie trays
* Lemon or citrus juice
* Chip slicer or knife
* Spray oil

1. First you need to peel your bananas. Using a knife or chip slicer, slice your bananas into 1/4 inch thick slices.
2. Spray your baking or cookie trays with oil to prevent the banana slices from sticking to the trays.
3. Preheat the oven to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, or set your dehydrator to 105 degrees
4. Put the banana slices onto the baking tray in a single layer making sure to not let the pieces touch.
5. Sprinkle the slices with lemon or citrus juice to prevent them from browning once dried.
6. Place the baking tray in the oven or dehydrator for about 12 to 14 hours.
7. If you are using an oven, be sure to leave the oven door open to allow excess moisture to escape.
8. After 6 hours turn the slices and continue baking.
9. Once the banana pieces are dry, remove them from the oven and allow to cool before storing them.

Tips and Hints

* Bananas can be dried in the sun but you will need 2 to 3 days of sunny weather to do so. If the weather turns cloudy or the humidity rises sun drying will not work.
* To add a different taste to your banana slices you can dip them in a honey and lemon mixture and then in chopped nuts or coconut prior to drying them in the oven.
* When choosing your bananas for drying, make sure they have no brown spots on the skin.
* Dried banana slices make for very tasty snacks and can be eaten as is.
* Always store your homemade dried banana slices in an airtight container or Ziploc bags in a cool, dry place.
* Instead of using lemon juice to prevent your banana slices from browning you can also use pineapple juice.

How to Make Homemade Dried Banana Slices

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Excalibur Dehydrator - 3 Simple Way to Use Your Dehydrator!

!±8± Excalibur Dehydrator - 3 Simple Way to Use Your Dehydrator!

Excalibur Dehydrator is one of my favorite brands of dehydrators due to its temperature control, its even drying, and its ease of use. In this article I am going to give you some simple ways to use your dehydrator.

1. Make Healthy Sweet Potato Chips

Did you know you could make a healthy version of a fried sweet potato chip? All you need is a mandoline slicer, a dehydrator, some sweet potatoes and some salt. Slice the sweet potato thinly with a mandoline on the most thin setting (0.5 mm) using the handguard, and put the slices into a large bowl. Drizzle the sweet potato slices with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt until well covered. Dehydrate the chips in the dehydrator on at least 115 degrees for 24 hrs or until crispy. Makes about 2 dehydrator trays of chips. They start to get soggy soon after they are taken out of the dehydrator, so put them in an air tight container and consume them within a few days.

These make a healthy crunchy snack you can feel good about eating!

2. Dehydrate Some Young Coconut Meat

My absolutely favorite treat is actually one of the most simple to make. Take some young coconut meat and dehydrate it in a dehydrator at 115 degrees for 24 to 48 hrs. At 24 hrs it's still chewy and at 48 hrs it's nice and crispy, both taste great and fill your house with the sweet aroma of coconuts! Young coconuts can be found at your local Asian Grocery Store. Please open them with extreme care!

You can also dehydrate old or mature coconut meat. Grate the coconut meat and then dehydrate the flakes until crispy. Store the flakes in a sealed container in the freezer if you will not be using the flakes right away. Great in recipes!

3. Make Your Own Raw Food "Sun" Dried Tomatoes

Slice some tomatoes and lay them on your dehydrator trays and dehydrate them for about 14-16 hours at 115 degrees until they are completely dry. The thicker the cut, the longer they will take to dry. Eat them as is or use them in recipes. In my opinion, they are so much better than any sun dried tomatoes you can find in a store! They're sweet, tangy, and crunchy like a chip!

For more information about the Excalibur Dehydrator please see the resources below:

Excalibur Dehydrator - 3 Simple Way to Use Your Dehydrator!

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Friday, November 25, 2011

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Easter Baking and Cooking Tips (Plus a Bonus Easter Recipe)

!±8± Easter Baking and Cooking Tips (Plus a Bonus Easter Recipe)

If you're hosting Easter this year, I'd like to share a few tips with you that have helped me keep my sanity when I have hosted this holiday.

1. Cook and bake as many dishes as you can in advance. I have an Easter baking recipe that I share with you below that is easy and can be done up to a week in advance. I highly recommend baking your Easter desserts the day before. It really helps me cut down on the stress on Easter day.

2. Organize your kitchen into baking/cooking stations the night before. I know this might sound crazy but I have found it helps me whenever I am making a holiday meal. I put out all of the ingredients for each Easter recipe that do not need to be refrigerated. I put the recipe out and put all of the ingredients that go into that recipe right next to it, along with any pans or measuring cups or spoons I may need for it. I also try to organize them from longest to shortest cooking time so that I know what to start with first.

3. Select the Easter recipes that you want to use a week in advance. This helps me make a grocery list of all the ingredients that I need. That way I can get to the grocery store and get everything that I need well in advance of the day itself.

4. Use or borrow appliances to help make the job easier. I still remember the first Easter I hosted at my house. I must have spent at least half an hour slicing potatoes. If I had just asked to borrow a food processor with a slicer from a friend, it would have made that day so much easier. If you do not have the right appliance for the job or cannot borrow it, find a different recipe.

5. Enlist helpers! The friends and family who have come to your Easter feast are usually more than happy to help out with any small last minute things. My husband has become the official potato masher for all of the holiday gatherings we hold at our house! Those last 30 minutes before your meal is ready can sometimes get a bit crazy. It is okay to ask for help.

Bonus Easter Recipe: Chocolate Easter Nests

These have been a favorite Easter baking recipe of mine for as long as I can remember. I loved helping mom put jelly beans in these for the "eggs."

1 box shredded wheat cereal (10-12 biscuits)
1 - 12 ounce package chocolate chips
3/4 cup peanut butter

Crush the biscuits so they are fairly fine. Melt the chocolate chips in bowl in the microwave until they are soft. Add the peanut butter to the melted chocolate. Mix together, put into a large bowl, and add the shredded wheat. Put mixture by tablespoon on a piece of waxed paper. Shape each into a nest. Chill until firmly set. Store in the refrigerator. When you are ready to set them out, put a few jelly beans in each nest. It is a cute, tasty Easter treat.

Easter Baking and Cooking Tips (Plus a Bonus Easter Recipe)

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